Gout Home Treatments

Who Gets Gout?

Gout can affect people of any age. Typically, it seems that older men, often over-weight, suffer more with this condition than women. It is a type of arthritis which affects the joints, often causing swelling, stiffness, and pain. Movement is impaired if the trouble is ignored and no steps are taken to reverse it. Damp, cold weather can bring on an attack of gout. Also, exposure to certain poisonous chemicals, such as glyphosate in common weedkillers, can bring on gout-like symptoms. So avoid exposure to all toxic chemicals. Chemical diuretics and blood pressure medications can also be a factor with gout symptoms. Toxic bowels are usually part of the problem – most people have had years of eating mucous-forming foods and not cleansing the digestive system of effete material on a regular basis. It is important to correct the diet, but the right homeopathic treatment, along with Vitamin C (preferable non-acidic) in decent doses, can correct the symptoms sooner rather than later. Of course, there are other vitamins and minerals which are good to reverse or prevent gout, but vitamin C is the first ‘go-to’ to help alleviate pain, reduce swelling and eliminate toxins.

Main Points:

Make the body more alkaline as soon as possible.

Reduce foods which are problematic.

Detoxify to eliminate poisons and any calcified material around the joints.

Cleanse the bowels and digestive system by eating helpful raw foods. Use an enema if you can procure one.

Drink more water.

Lose weight if you need to, but do it gradually, by eating sensibly – not with a crash diet.

OK – Avoid These:

Many of us may have different allergies or requirements. However, these are considered common problematic gout-forming foods: Purine foods such as organ meats, beans, sardines, shellfish, mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, soy milk. Check your own sensitivity to lean red meat, chicken and to lentils. Some people cannot tolerate these things very well. Lentils should be soaked, drained, and sprouted for best nutrition. Cook the sprouted lentils if you want to.

Cauliflower causes gout in many people. Be careful with all the brassicas – broccoli, kale, cabbage etc. I think they are best avoided, at least until you have fixed the gout, when you will be able see whether or not they cause a reaction.

Red Wine, Beer, Vinegars, Fizzy drinks.

Coffee should be limited. Coffee impairs the functioning of the kidneys, and the kidneys need to be treated with kindness in cases of gout. Tea is better, but not more than three cups a day if you can.

Avoid sugar, bread and milk. Milk is mucous-forming and is best avoided until you see definite improvement in the health by following a suitable diet with appropriate cleansing.

Good Foods To Help Treat and Prevent Gout:

Apples are a wonderful healing and alkaline food. Eat as many as you like, grated or whole.

Celery and Lettuce are very safe and are both very alkaline-forming.

Watermelon is famous for improving kidney function and for reducing inflammation.

Cherries and strawberries are also recommended. Grapes are very good. If you have a nice supply of a sweet grape, then you could do a grape diet for a day to cleanse the body. I would do this only for a day at a time, until the body has cleansed somewhat, eating normal suitable foods on other days. Then you can build up to two or three days at a time.

Blueberries and cranberries and other dark berries should be good. These fruits listed so far help to reduce the uric acid in the body. Check your own sensitivity to these after using a simple diet for a couple of days – mainly green vegetables, lettuce, celery, potatoes, and fish or eggs if you are not allergic to these.

Water cress would be great if you could procure some from an unpolluted stream – very difficult to find a clean source these days.

Sprouted mustard seed would be good, as would be alfalfa. These are very alkaline forming in the body.

Sprouted lentils should be good, but maybe leave these until the gout symptoms have dissipated, so that you can test your reaction to these.

Potatoes and sweet kumara should be good for most people.

Carrots – good. Preferably grated, raw.

Onions are high in Zinc and are very good for improving the immune system. Chives, spring onions are also good.

Parsley and lovage – very good.

Eggs should be OK – but test yourself on these. Eggs are recommended by some naturopaths as a specific for gout, as the sulphur in them is considered helpful. But some people are better without eggs.

Fish, ocean caught, is considered one of the best foods for rheumatism or gout – but check your own sensitivity. (not sardines or herrings or shellfish)

Vitamin C

Take 1000 mg three to six times a day of a non-acidic Vitamin C, such as calcium ascorbate, or sodium ascorbate or ester C. Reduce the dose as the symptoms abate. A maintenance dose could be 1000 mg to 2000 mg per day, once you have recovered. Vitamin C helps to repair damaged collagen and works as a pain reliever.

Other Vitamins and Minerals to Consider

Magnesium with B6 is considered valuable for gout. Magnesium helps the absorption of B vitamins. Also -Vitamin D, Vitamin A and E, Selenium, Zinc, Iodine. Also look at Halibut liver oil, or other fish oil.

Cleansing the Bowels and Liver

Of course, you can’t beat a plain water enema to wash out the dross from the bowels.

But for a deeper cleanse of the liver and intestinal tract, try taking 2 tablespoons of castor oil in the morning, followed by a strong cup of black coffee. Wait for a bit before eating breakfast. This treatment is best, as Dr Gerson showed with his cancer patients, to be used in collaboration with an enema taken about 5 hours later. Use it every second day for a week or so. Gerson used it for long periods to cure cancer, with the dose taken as stated, every 2nd day, followed by enemas.

The Potato and Apple Cure

This is a fantastic healing cure. Maybe good for those people who have an aversion to using an enema to repair their ill health.

Take one raw potato and one raw apple. Grate them both together in a bowl, stir them up and eat as a salad 20 minutes before breakfast and, if you can be bothered, again 20 minutes before tea. This is a very healing salve for the bowels which will remove dross from the walls of the bowels if taken daily for a week or two. Both raw apple and raw potato are very alkaline. Make sure there is no green on the potato, though, as the green part is poisonous. It must be a nice, fresh potato with no green showing.

Some Useful Homeopathics

This list is not complete. The main remedies which are relatively easy to procure from a health shop are given here. Of course, to get the best results, one should consult a qualified homeopath for a specific treatment which is suitable for you alone. But failing the availability of a good homeopath, here are some suggestions.

Aconite if the symptoms have come on suddenly after exposure to cold winds or rain or damp.

Antimonium Crud if you have nodes on the joints and you experience pain after eating. Also use if the soles of the feet are excessively tender because of rheumatic troubles. (W.A. Dewey, 1996 Reprint)

Bryonia for swollen, hot, inflamed and sore joints. Very good for acidic conditions of the blood. Feels worse for movement. This is often a good one if the person has a tendency to coughs and colds.

Causticum for restlessness at night but moving aggravates the rheumatism. Gouty joints. Dry, cold, frosty air has brought on the pain of gout. A trembling and weakness often accompanies the symptoms. Also, weakness of the ankle joint and hip joint is often a characteristic of this remedy. Not the best remedy to use if fever is present.

Colchicum is considered one of the best remedies for long-standing gout with inflammation. (see E. Harris Ruddock, MD. 1880: ‘Homeopathic Vade Mecum’)

Ledum is one of the best remedies for painful, swollen nodes in the smaller joints, with pains characteristically travelling upwards from the joints through the limbs. The warmth of the bed often makes the pain worse when this remedy is indicated.

Nux Vomica is the symptoms appear after eating rich food or drinking wine or beer. Generally a tonic for those with accompanying digestive troubles.

Rhus Tox if the symptoms are due to damp, wet weather. Restlessness is common with this remedy, with the need to keep moving. Moving helps temporarily.

Thuja if you have been exposed to weedkillers or other toxic substances which have set off the gout.

Follow up with one of the appropriate remedies.

Hydrangea or Parsley Tea or Celery Seed Tea can be helpful. Note: I have never used hydrangea and do not know if the common garden variety we have is the one to use. So leave this out unless you buy it from a health shop. Lemon balm tea is also good – use the stuff in the garden. Lemon balm is a natural mild sedative which bees love. Parsley and Celery are natural diuretics and blood cleansers. One or two cups of parsley tea per day is all you will need – don’t overdo the parsley tea, else you will be trotting off to the toilet every half an hour.

You can drink any amount of lemon balm tea in a day without adverse effects. It is very calming, very cleansing, and is a natural antibiotic.

Star conversationMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedInboxSent4:08 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:09 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:11 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:38 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:39 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:39 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent4:40 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:45 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:46 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:46 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent4:47 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:57 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent4:58 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox4:59 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent5:03 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:05 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox5:07 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comReplied toSent5:11 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:12 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox5:12 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:17 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewInbox5:20 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox5:31 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comReplied toSent5:41 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:42 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com>Stored with zero-access encryptionInbox5:43 PMStar messageTo:merrilyn.hope@protonmail.comShow detailsMark as unreadMove to trashMore optionsCustom filterMove toLabel asReplyReply allForwardXxxxx
…On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:42 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
Will try phoning you either tonight when I return – or tomorrow. xxxx
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:41 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
How lovely to have family staying. Little Bruce must be a lot of fun.
I have just stopped piano practice – my jazz style is coming along nicely – going off to Colin’s place for anthroposophical lectures and discussion tonight. Always enjoyable. xxx
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:31 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Have Bill and little dog Bruce stayingOn Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:20 pm Mary Matthew, <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Very gradually progress, mostly cerebral!On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:17 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
LOL – thankyou – might as well do something profitable with our time – apart from doing tons of piano practice, whilst awaiting an opportunity to play publicly again. How is your violin practice doing?
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:12 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
You’re amazing, of course!On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:11 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
Yes. I did.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:07 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Merrilyn
I’m assuming that you wrote the article.

On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:03 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, Mary. I was going to post it up on the website- but stalled on this – don’t trust google anymore – so thought I would share the article just with Colin and friends.
Happy New Year.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:59 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Great stuff thanks, Merrilyn. Happy New Year!
Mary xxOn Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 4:46 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:45 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:39 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:38 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:08 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Who Gets Gout?

Gout can affect people of any age. Typically, it seems that older men, often over-weight, suffer more with this condition than women. It is a type of arthritis which affects the joints, often causing swelling, stiffness, and pain. Movement is impaired if the trouble is ignored and no steps are taken to reverse it. Damp, cold weather can bring on an attack of gout. Also, exposure to certain poisonous chemicals, such as glyphosate in common weedkillers, can bring on gout-like symptoms. So avoid exposure to all toxic chemicals. Chemical diuretics and blood pressure medications can also be a factor with gout symptoms. Toxic bowels are usually part of the problem – most people have had years of eating mucous-forming foods and not cleansing the digestive system of effete material on a regular basis. It is important to correct the diet, but the right homeopathic treatment, along with Vitamin C (preferable non-acidic) in decent doses, can correct the symptoms sooner rather than later. Of course, there are other vitamins and minerals which are good to reverse or prevent gout, but vitamin C is the first ‘go-to’ to help alleviate pain, reduce swelling and eliminate toxins.

Main Points:

Make the body more alkaline as soon as possible.

Reduce foods which are problematic.

Detoxify to eliminate poisons and any calcified material around the joints.

Cleanse the bowels and digestive system by eating helpful raw foods. Use an enema if you can procure one.

Drink more water.

Lose weight if you need to, but do it gradually, by eating sensibly – not with a crash diet.

OK – Avoid These:

Many of us may have different allergies or requirements. However, these are considered common problematic gout-forming foods: Purine foods such as organ meats, beans, sardines, shellfish, mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, soy milk. Check your own sensitivity to lean red meat, chicken and to lentils. Some people cannot tolerate these things very well. Lentils should be soaked, drained, and sprouted for best nutrition. Cook the sprouted lentils if you want to.

Cauliflower causes gout in many people. Be careful with all the brassicas – broccoli, kale, cabbage etc. I think they are best avoided, at least until you have fixed the gout, when you will be able see whether or not they cause a reaction.

Red Wine, Beer, Vinegars, Fizzy drinks.

Coffee should be limited. Coffee impairs the functioning of the kidneys, and the kidneys need to be treated with kindness in cases of gout. Tea is better, but not more than three cups a day if you can.

Avoid sugar, bread and milk. Milk is mucous-forming and is best avoided until you see definite improvement in the health by following a suitable diet with appropriate cleansing.

Good Foods To Help Treat and Prevent Gout:

Apples are a wonderful healing and alkaline food. Eat as many as you like, grated or whole.

Celery and Lettuce are very safe and are both very alkaline-forming.

Watermelon is famous for improving kidney function and for reducing inflammation.

Cherries and strawberries are also recommended. Grapes are very good. If you have a nice supply of a sweet grape, then you could do a grape diet for a day to cleanse the body. I would do this only for a day at a time, until the body has cleansed somewhat, eating normal suitable foods on other days. Then you can build up to two or three days at a time.

Blueberries and cranberries and other dark berries should be good. These fruits listed so far help to reduce the uric acid in the body. Check your own sensitivity to these after using a simple diet for a couple of days – mainly green vegetables, lettuce, celery, potatoes, and fish or eggs if you are not allergic to these.

Water cress would be great if you could procure some from an unpolluted stream – very difficult to find a clean source these days.

Sprouted mustard seed would be good, as would be alfalfa. These are very alkaline forming in the body.

Sprouted lentils should be good, but maybe leave these until the gout symptoms have dissipated, so that you can test your reaction to these.

Potatoes and sweet kumara should be good for most people.

Carrots – good. Preferably grated, raw.

Onions are high in Zinc and are very good for improving the immune system. Chives, spring onions are also good.

Parsley and lovage – very good.

Eggs should be OK – but test yourself on these. Eggs are recommended by some naturopaths as a specific for gout, as the sulphur in them is considered helpful. But some people are better without eggs.

Fish, ocean caught, is considered one of the best foods for rheumatism or gout – but check your own sensitivity. (not sardines or herrings or shellfish)

Vitamin C

Take 1000 mg three to six times a day of a non-acidic Vitamin C, such as calcium ascorbate, or sodium ascorbate or ester C. Reduce the dose as the symptoms abate. A maintenance dose could be 1000 mg to 2000 mg per day, once you have recovered. Vitamin C helps to repair damaged collagen and works as a pain reliever.

Other Vitamins and Minerals to Consider

Magnesium with B6 is considered valuable for gout. Magnesium helps the absorption of B vitamins. Also -Vitamin D, Vitamin A and E, Selenium, Zinc, Iodine. Also look at Halibut liver oil, or other fish oil.

Cleansing the Bowels and Liver

Of course, you can’t beat a plain water enema to wash out the dross from the bowels.

But for a deeper cleanse of the liver and intestinal tract, try taking 2 tablespoons of castor oil in the morning, followed by a strong cup of black coffee. Wait for a bit before eating breakfast. This treatment is best, as Dr Gerson showed with his cancer patients, to be used in collaboration with an enema taken about 5 hours later. Use it every second day for a week or so. Gerson used it for long periods to cure cancer, with the dose taken as stated, every 2nd day, followed by enemas.

The Potato and Apple Cure

This is a fantastic healing cure. Maybe good for those people who have an aversion to using an enema to repair their ill health.

Take one raw potato and one raw apple. Grate them both together in a bowl, stir them up and eat as a salad 20 minutes before breakfast and, if you can be bothered, again 20 minutes before tea. This is a very healing salve for the bowels which will remove dross from the walls of the bowels if taken daily for a week or two. Both raw apple and raw potato are very alkaline. Make sure there is no green on the potato, though, as the green part is poisonous. It must be a nice, fresh potato with no green showing.

Some Useful Homeopathics

This list is not complete. The main remedies which are relatively easy to procure from a health shop are given here. Of course, to get the best results, one should consult a qualified homeopath for a specific treatment which is suitable for you alone. But failing the availability of a good homeopath, here are some suggestions.

Aconite if the symptoms have come on suddenly after exposure to cold winds or rain or damp.

Antimonium Crud if you have nodes on the joints and you experience pain after eating. Also use if the soles of the feet are excessively tender because of rheumatic troubles. (W.A. Dewey, 1996 Reprint)

Bryonia for swollen, hot, inflamed and sore joints. Very good for acidic conditions of the blood. Feels worse for movement. This is often a good one if the person has a tendency to coughs and colds.

Causticum for restlessness at night but moving aggravates the rheumatism. Gouty joints. Dry, cold, frosty air has brought on the pain of gout. A trembling and weakness often accompanies the symptoms. Also, weakness of the ankle joint and hip joint is often a characteristic of this remedy. Not the best remedy to use if fever is present.

Colchicum is considered one of the best remedies for long-standing gout with inflammation. (see E. Harris Ruddock, MD. 1880: ‘Homeopathic Vade Mecum’)

Ledum is one of the best remedies for painful, swollen nodes in the smaller joints, with pains characteristically travelling upwards from the joints through the limbs. The warmth of the bed often makes the pain worse when this remedy is indicated.

Nux Vomica is the symptoms appear after eating rich food or drinking wine or beer. Generally a tonic for those with accompanying digestive troubles.

Rhus Tox if the symptoms are due to damp, wet weather. Restlessness is common with this remedy, with the need to keep moving. Moving helps temporarily.

Thuja if you have been exposed to weedkillers or other toxic substances which have set off the gout.

Follow up with one of the appropriate remedies.

Hydrangea or Parsley Tea or Celery Seed Tea can be helpful. Note: I have never used hydrangea and do not know if the common garden variety we have is the one to use. So leave this out unless you buy it from a health shop. Lemon balm tea is also good – use the stuff in the garden. Lemon balm is a natural mild sedative which bees love. Parsley and Celery are natural diuretics and blood cleansers. One or two cups of parsley tea per day is all you will need – don’t overdo the parsley tea, else you will be trotting off to the toilet every half an hour.

You can drink any amount of lemon balm tea in a day without adverse effects. It is very calming, very cleansing, and is a natural antibiotic.
Of course, it is important to exercise daily,if you can. If walking is difficult, then try simple leg lifts, whilst lying down. Breathing in as you lift one leg up Breathing out as you put the leg down on the floor.Do both sides several times. Then lift up both legs together, very slowly. For this, you breathe in and hold the breathe before you begin the leg lift. Hold the breath as you lift up the legs. Hold up in the air for the count of 3, then exhale. Breathe in and hold the breath again as you slowly return the legs to the floor. This gets the circulation going and is a great all-round exercise. If you are able, the yoga ‘Churning the Mill’ exercise gently massages all the muscles of the body. Sit on the floor, legs stretched out apart in front. Join the fingers together in a clasp, breathe out whilst stretching out to the left foot. Swing gently to the right foot and draw back the hands over the right leg whilst breathing in. Repeat up to 10 times each way. Add another 10 cycles onto the set when you have built up strength.
Simple OM chanting whilst sitting still can do much to relieve stress and anxiety.

Star conversationMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedInboxSent4:08 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:09 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:11 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:38 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:39 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:39 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent4:40 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:45 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:46 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:46 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent4:47 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent4:57 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent4:58 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox4:59 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comForwardedSent5:03 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:05 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox5:07 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comReplied toSent5:11 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:12 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox5:12 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:17 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewInbox5:20 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary MatthewReplied toInbox5:31 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comReplied toSent5:41 PMStar messageMAddress optionsmerrilyn.hope@protonmail.comSent5:42 PMStar messageMMAddress optionsMary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com>Stored with zero-access encryptionInbox5:43 PMStar messageTo:merrilyn.hope@protonmail.comShow detailsMark as unreadMove to trashMore optionsCustom filterMove toLabel asReplyReply allForwardXxxxx
…On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:42 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
Will try phoning you either tonight when I return – or tomorrow. xxxx
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:41 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
How lovely to have family staying. Little Bruce must be a lot of fun.
I have just stopped piano practice – my jazz style is coming along nicely – going off to Colin’s place for anthroposophical lectures and discussion tonight. Always enjoyable. xxx
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:31 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Have Bill and little dog Bruce stayingOn Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:20 pm Mary Matthew, <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Very gradually progress, mostly cerebral!On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:17 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
LOL – thankyou – might as well do something profitable with our time – apart from doing tons of piano practice, whilst awaiting an opportunity to play publicly again. How is your violin practice doing?
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:12 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
You’re amazing, of course!On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:11 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
Yes. I did.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 5:07 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Merrilyn
I’m assuming that you wrote the article.

On Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 5:03 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, Mary. I was going to post it up on the website- but stalled on this – don’t trust google anymore – so thought I would share the article just with Colin and friends.
Happy New Year.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:59 PM, Mary Matthew <reremoa@gmail.com> wrote:
Great stuff thanks, Merrilyn. Happy New Year!
Mary xxOn Mon, 3 Jan 2022, 4:46 pm merrilyn.hope, <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:45 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:39 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:38 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 3rd, 2022 at 4:08 PM, merrilyn.hope <merrilyn.hope@protonmail.com> wrote:

Who Gets Gout?

Gout can affect people of any age. Typically, it seems that older men, often over-weight, suffer more with this condition than women. It is a type of arthritis which affects the joints, often causing swelling, stiffness, and pain. Movement is impaired if the trouble is ignored and no steps are taken to reverse it. Damp, cold weather can bring on an attack of gout. Also, exposure to certain poisonous chemicals, such as glyphosate in common weedkillers, can bring on gout-like symptoms. So avoid exposure to all toxic chemicals. Chemical diuretics and blood pressure medications can also be a factor with gout symptoms. Toxic bowels are usually part of the problem – most people have had years of eating mucous-forming foods and not cleansing the digestive system of effete material on a regular basis. It is important to correct the diet, but the right homeopathic treatment, along with Vitamin C (preferable non-acidic) in decent doses, can correct the symptoms sooner rather than later. Of course, there are other vitamins and minerals which are good to reverse or prevent gout, but vitamin C is the first ‘go-to’ to help alleviate pain, reduce swelling and eliminate toxins.

Main Points:

Make the body more alkaline as soon as possible.

Reduce foods which are problematic.

Detoxify to eliminate poisons and any calcified material around the joints.

Cleanse the bowels and digestive system by eating helpful raw foods. Use an enema if you can procure one.

Drink more water.

Lose weight if you need to, but do it gradually, by eating sensibly – not with a crash diet.

OK – Avoid These:

Many of us may have different allergies or requirements. However, these are considered common problematic gout-forming foods: Purine foods such as organ meats, beans, sardines, shellfish, mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, soy milk. Check your own sensitivity to lean red meat, chicken and to lentils. Some people cannot tolerate these things very well. Lentils should be soaked, drained, and sprouted for best nutrition. Cook the sprouted lentils if you want to.

Cauliflower causes gout in many people. Be careful with all the brassicas – broccoli, kale, cabbage etc. I think they are best avoided, at least until you have fixed the gout, when you will be able see whether or not they cause a reaction.

Red Wine, Beer, Vinegars, Fizzy drinks.

Coffee should be limited. Coffee impairs the functioning of the kidneys, and the kidneys need to be treated with kindness in cases of gout. Tea is better, but not more than three cups a day if you can.

Avoid sugar, bread and milk. Milk is mucous-forming and is best avoided until you see definite improvement in the health by following a suitable diet with appropriate cleansing.

Good Foods To Help Treat and Prevent Gout:

Apples are a wonderful healing and alkaline food. Eat as many as you like, grated or whole.

Celery and Lettuce are very safe and are both very alkaline-forming.

Watermelon is famous for improving kidney function and for reducing inflammation.

Cherries and strawberries are also recommended. Grapes are very good. If you have a nice supply of a sweet grape, then you could do a grape diet for a day to cleanse the body. I would do this only for a day at a time, until the body has cleansed somewhat, eating normal suitable foods on other days. Then you can build up to two or three days at a time.

Blueberries and cranberries and other dark berries should be good. These fruits listed so far help to reduce the uric acid in the body. Check your own sensitivity to these after using a simple diet for a couple of days – mainly green vegetables, lettuce, celery, potatoes, and fish or eggs if you are not allergic to these.

Water cress would be great if you could procure some from an unpolluted stream – very difficult to find a clean source these days.

Sprouted mustard seed would be good, as would be alfalfa. These are very alkaline forming in the body.

Sprouted lentils should be good, but maybe leave these until the gout symptoms have dissipated, so that you can test your reaction to these.

Potatoes and sweet kumara should be good for most people.

Carrots – good. Preferably grated, raw.

Onions are high in Zinc and are very good for improving the immune system. Chives, spring onions are also good.

Parsley and lovage – very good.

Eggs should be OK – but test yourself on these. Eggs are recommended by some naturopaths as a specific for gout, as the sulphur in them is considered helpful. But some people are better without eggs.

Fish, ocean caught, is considered one of the best foods for rheumatism or gout – but check your own sensitivity. (not sardines or herrings or shellfish)

Vitamin C

Take 1000 mg three to six times a day of a non-acidic Vitamin C, such as calcium ascorbate, or sodium ascorbate or ester C. Reduce the dose as the symptoms abate. A maintenance dose could be 1000 mg to 2000 mg per day, once you have recovered. Vitamin C helps to repair damaged collagen and works as a pain reliever.

Other Vitamins and Minerals to Consider

Magnesium with B6 is considered valuable for gout. Magnesium helps the absorption of B vitamins. Also -Vitamin D, Vitamin A and E, Selenium, Zinc, Iodine. Also look at Halibut liver oil, or other fish oil.

Cleansing the Bowels and Liver

Of course, you can’t beat a plain water enema to wash out the dross from the bowels.

But for a deeper cleanse of the liver and intestinal tract, try taking 2 tablespoons of castor oil in the morning, followed by a strong cup of black coffee. Wait for a bit before eating breakfast. This treatment is best, as Dr Gerson showed with his cancer patients, to be used in collaboration with an enema taken about 5 hours later. Use it every second day for a week or so. Gerson used it for long periods to cure cancer, with the dose taken as stated, every 2nd day, followed by enemas.

The Potato and Apple Cure

This is a fantastic healing cure. Maybe good for those people who have an aversion to using an enema to repair their ill health.

Take one raw potato and one raw apple. Grate them both together in a bowl, stir them up and eat as a salad 20 minutes before breakfast and, if you can be bothered, again 20 minutes before tea. This is a very healing salve for the bowels which will remove dross from the walls of the bowels if taken daily for a week or two. Both raw apple and raw potato are very alkaline. Make sure there is no green on the potato, though, as the green part is poisonous. It must be a nice, fresh potato with no green showing.

Some Useful Homeopathics

This list is not complete. The main remedies which are relatively easy to procure from a health shop are given here. Of course, to get the best results, one should consult a qualified homeopath for a specific treatment which is suitable for you alone. But failing the availability of a good homeopath, here are some suggestions.

Aconite if the symptoms have come on suddenly after exposure to cold winds or rain or damp.

Antimonium Crud if you have nodes on the joints and you experience pain after eating. Also use if the soles of the feet are excessively tender because of rheumatic troubles. (W.A. Dewey, 1996 Reprint)

Bryonia for swollen, hot, inflamed and sore joints. Very good for acidic conditions of the blood. Feels worse for movement. This is often a good one if the person has a tendency to coughs and colds.

Causticum for restlessness at night but moving aggravates the rheumatism. Gouty joints. Dry, cold, frosty air has brought on the pain of gout. A trembling and weakness often accompanies the symptoms. Also, weakness of the ankle joint and hip joint is often a characteristic of this remedy. Not the best remedy to use if fever is present.

Colchicum is considered one of the best remedies for long-standing gout with inflammation. (see E. Harris Ruddock, MD. 1880: ‘Homeopathic Vade Mecum’)

Ledum is one of the best remedies for painful, swollen nodes in the smaller joints, with pains characteristically travelling upwards from the joints through the limbs. The warmth of the bed often makes the pain worse when this remedy is indicated.

Nux Vomica is the symptoms appear after eating rich food or drinking wine or beer. Generally a tonic for those with accompanying digestive troubles.

Rhus Tox if the symptoms are due to damp, wet weather. Restlessness is common with this remedy, with the need to keep moving. Moving helps temporarily.

Thuja if you have been exposed to weedkillers or other toxic substances which have set off the gout.

Follow up with one of the appropriate remedies.

Hydrangea or Parsley Tea or Celery Seed Tea can be helpful. Note: I have never used hydrangea and do not know if the common garden variety we have is the one to use. So leave this out unless you buy it from a health shop. Lemon balm tea is also good – use the stuff in the garden. Lemon balm is a natural mild sedative which bees love. Parsley and Celery are natural diuretics and blood cleansers. One or two cups of parsley tea per day is all you will need – don’t overdo the parsley tea, else you will be trotting off to the toilet every half an hour.

You can drink any amount of lemon balm tea in a day without adverse effects. It is very calming, very cleansing, and is a natural antibiotic.
Of course, it is important to exercise daily,if you can. If walking is difficult, then try simple leg lifts, whilst lying down. Breathing in as you lift one leg up Breathing out as you put the leg down on the floor.Do both sides several times. Then lift up both legs together, very slowly.

Caution: Be careful with this exercise if you have a heart problem or are taking any medication, especially for blood pressure For this leg lift exercise, you breathe in and hold the breathe before you begin the leg lift. Hold the breath as you lift up the legs. Hold up in the air for the count of 3, then exhale. Breathe in and hold the breath again as you slowly return the legs to the floor. It is surprising, but this exercise really gets the circulation going and is a great all-round exercise.

If you are able, the yoga ‘Churning the Mill’ exercise gently massages all the muscles of the body. Sit on the floor, legs stretched out apart in front. Join the fingers together in a clasp, breathe out whilst stretching out to the left foot. Swing gently to the right foot and draw back the hands over the right leg whilst breathing in. Repeat up to 10 times each way. Add another 10 cycles onto the set when you have built up strength.
Simple OM chanting whilst sitting still can do much to relieve stress and anxiety.
